You’ve got questions.
We’ve got answers.
And guitars. And a llama.

  • We typically bring everything we need, including our own sound system. Usually the host venue just needs to provide ample space for six of us and our gear, power (electricity – multiple outlets or extensions), decent lighting, creature comforts (HVAC, air flow, water, etc.), and some semblance of security to keep guests away from equipment and our drummer (for their own safety).

  • Same essentials as an indoor venue in terms of power and lighting (the sun seems to be a viable option) and security. Overhead canopy or some top cover is needed to protect from direct sun and unplanned rain. Lots of water (Beer is a viable substitute), wet towels would be appreciated on hot days or fans if available. We’re not super picky. We just don’t want to pass out mid-song.

  • Allow about one hour before we begin the song set and one hour after for setup and teardown. Playing times will vary depending on what the client needs and venue allows, but 2-3 hours is somewhat the norm with a short break or two in the set.

  • The answer is “it depends”. Distance to venue (local versus not), playing time length, food and drink allowance offered are some of the factors that get considered in our quoting a gig. Best is to have a conversation together and it is likely we can find something that fits your budget and our needs together. Click the Booking button here on the website and let’s make a deal!

  • To ensure optimum performance for you our paying client, and to stay within our band branding, we typically do not solicit song requests. Definitely nothing requested randomly at a gig unless its already in our coffers. That being said, if a booking has ample advance notice and you have a few favorites for us to consider, we will listen and let you know if feasible up front to incorporate into the setlist

  • With our current gear we can handle most restaurants, bars, bowling alleys, halls and some outdoor smaller events or private gatherings. We would love to play larger summer festivals and events too, but would either need to have the equipment available on stage to plug into or rent. Renting would add to the fees we charge and ample advance notice would be necessary to ensure we can secure the equipment for the event date. Let’s talk! We’ll find a solution together to make it happen! Start by clicking the Booking button on this website.

  • We started out together during the Covid shutdown in 2020. All original members are still together so that’s awesome as we learn each other’s nuances and quirks…mostly the latter! Unfortunately, because of Covid restrictions and the major impact on restaurants and bars, it has been a slow re-opening and we need everyone’s support to get more live music back and more opportunities to play live! We like playing together, but practices are nowhere near as fun when not planning for a gig! Click the Bookings button and let’s rock out together!

  • It’s more thoughtful than you might have imagined. Some may recall the cult comedy film Napolean Dynamite. The main character had amongst his many chores the responsibility of feeding his Aunt’s pet Llama, Tina. The film was loaded with nostalgia in its music, settings and props, and these evoked in some viewers a real connection to their own upbringing. It’s that theme of nostalgia and fun coming together that fits us as a band. We try to select music that will bring back memories for the audience that are fun and perhaps gets folks out of their seats or singing along as well. Plus…who does not love Llamas? These Llamas need their music chops fed, so click the Bookings button on our website now!


Ready to Book?

Click here to get started planning your next event!

Still Have Questions?

Let us know if there’s anything we can answer for you that wasn’t covered here.